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Unpacking ISO 14083: A New Standard for Sustainable Business Practices

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has recently introduced a new environmental standard – ISO 14083:2023.

Fleetenergies Team
Fleetenergies Team
June 14, 2024
Unpacking ISO 14083: A New Standard for Sustainable Business Practices

Changer for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting in the Transport Sector

In today's rapidly evolving environmental landscape, the introduction of ISO 14083 stands as a pivotal advancement in the quest for sustainability within the transportation and freight industry. This comprehensive standard is dedicated to the quantification, allocation, and meticulous reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across all modes of transport—land, water, and air. It also encompasses the operational emissions emanating from transport hubs, ensuring a holistic approach to emissions accounting along the entire transport chain.

Why ISO 14083 Matters

For businesses entrenched in the supply chain, transportation, and freight sectors, the advent of standardized emissions reporting heralds a significant shift. The move towards standardization is not merely a trend but a necessity, as tracking supply chain emissions transitions from a voluntary action to a mandatory obligation in numerous countries. ISO 14083 aligns with this shift, offering a unified framework that enhances business operations across various industries and regions. It promises enhanced transparency and simplifies operations, establishing a global language for environmental stewardship.

A Competitive Edge Through Sustainability

The implications of ISO 14083 for businesses are profound. While immediate operational changes may not be evident, the standard is a harbinger of a broader movement that will soon permeate all aspects of supply chain management. Drawing parallels with the ISO 27001 certification for data security, achieving ISO 14083 certification will become a benchmark for evaluating supply chains. This certification serves as a tangible testament to a company's dedication to sustainable practices—a factor increasingly prized by consumers and investors who prioritize environmental responsibility.

Businesses lagging in their journey towards sustainability can leverage ISO 14083 as a strategic tool to enhance their credibility. By showcasing their efforts to mitigate Scope 3 emissions—those emissions produced by external suppliers outside of direct control—companies can solidify their commitment to decarbonization. This, in turn, can catalyze support for initiatives aimed at reducing emissions within the supply chain, potentially unlocking cost savings and fostering a stronger business case for sustainability.

The Crucial Role of Accurate Emission Measurement

Accurately measuring and calculating emissions, especially Scope 3 emissions, is critical. The distinction between employing statistical averages and utilizing real-time data from connected vehicles illustrates the importance of precision in emissions reporting. Accurate measurement not only ensures compliance with standards like ISO 14083 but also bolsters a company's environmental claims, reinforcing its reputation for integrity and commitment to sustainability.

Preparing for ISO 14083 Compliance

Achieving compliance with ISO 14083 necessitates strategic alignment with the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) Framework. This framework offers comprehensive guidelines for the measurement and reporting of logistics emissions, aspects that ISO 14083 has incorporated into its standards. Businesses that integrate the GLEC Framework into their operations are poised to navigate the certification process more smoothly, positioning themselves favorably in the quest for ISO 14083 compliance.

Towards a Sustainable Future

ISO 14083 represents a significant stride towards a sustainable future, offering a standardized approach to emissions measurement and reporting that transcends industry boundaries. By adhering to this standard, businesses not only showcase their commitment to environmental sustainability but also prepare themselves for the inevitable shift towards a net-zero future. In doing so, they contribute to a global movement towards environmental responsibility, setting a precedent for generations to come.

Leveraging for ISO 14083 Compliance

In the context of ISO 14083, adopting innovative solutions like can offer unparalleled advantages. This platform stands out by providing real-time tracking and analysis of fleet emissions, thereby simplifying the complex process of measuring and reporting in accordance with the new standard. By utilizing, businesses can access accurate, granular data on their emissions, enabling them to identify areas for improvement and implement targeted decarbonization strategies. This capability is particularly valuable for managing Scope 3 emissions, where direct control is limited.'s advanced analytics and reporting tools not only facilitate compliance with ISO 14083 but also empower companies to lead the way in sustainability efforts. As organizations strive to meet the rigorous requirements of this standard and demonstrate their commitment to a greener future, emerges as a critical partner in achieving these goals, enhancing operational efficiency, and securing a competitive advantage in the increasingly eco-conscious market landscape.

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